
Facts and reference resources

1. Units of measurement

How much is one Gt, or one Pg? Below is a table comparing different units of measurement.

Units of measurement
(tonnes versus grams)
Multiple  NameSymbol
  English           Multiple (SI)Name (SI)Symbol (SI)English(SI)
                                   100gramg  gram
                                    103kilogramKg  thousand g 
 100tonne     t1 tonne                    106megagramMg  million g 
 103kilotonne    kt1 thousand tonnes    109gigagramGg  billion g 
 106megatonne    Mt1 million tonnes        1012teragramT  trillion g 
 109gigatonne    Gt1 billion tonnes         1015petagramPg  quadrillion g
   1012teratonne    Tt1 trillion tonnes         1018exagramEgquintillion g
   1015petatonne    Pt1 quadrillion tonnes   1021zettagramZgsextillion g
   1018exatonne    Et1 quintillion tonnes    1024yottagramYgseptillion g

From: Sam Carana http://geo-engineering.blogspot.com/2011/06/earth-at-boiling-point.html
For an image of above table, see http://methane-hydrates.blogspot.com/p/facts.html
See also: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Names_of_large_numbers

2. Acronyms and Abbreviations

AMMArctic Methane Management (see below)
BCblack carbon (or soot)
CDRCarbon Dioxide Removal
CH4methane (or natural gas)
COcarbon monoxide
CO2carbon dioxide
EMDEnhanced Methane Decomposition (see below)
EVelectric vehicle
HFChydrofluorocarbon also known as freon, with the subclass HCFC
H2O2HOOH or hydrogen peroxide
NOnitrogen monoxide (commonly known as nitric oxide)
NO2nitrogen dioxide
NOXnitrogen oxides (NO and NO2, which cause O3, smog and acid rain)
N2Onitrous oxide
SF6sulphur hexafluoride
SRMSolar Radiation Management
UNEPUnited Nations Environment Programme
VOCvolatile organic compound include CFCs, styrenelimonene and formaldehyde
WWSWWS energy or Wind, Water and Solar Energy (water includes hydro, wave, tidal and geothermal)

From: Comprehensive Plan of Action - Sam Carana

3. Wedges and proposed remediation methods

1. Climate ChangeCDR: biochar, carbon air capture, enhanced weathering, algae bags, EVs, renewable energy, clean cooking & heating, LEDs, etc.
SRM: surface and cloud brightening, release of aerosols
AMM: methane capture, release of oxygen and diatoms, wetland management, river diversion, EMD (enhanced methane decomposition)
2. Ocean acidificationenhanced weathering
3. Stratospheric ozone depletionoxygen release
4. Nitrogen & Phosphorus Cyclesalgae bags, biochar, enhanced weathering
5. Global freshwater usedesalination, biochar, enhanced weathering
6. Change in land usedesalination, biochar, enhanced weathering
7. Biodiversity lossdesalination, biochar, enhanced weathering
8. Atmospheric aerosol loadingbiochar, EVs, renewable energy, clean cooking & heating, LEDs, etc. 
9. Chemical pollutionrecycling, waste management (separation)

From: Policy proposals to most effectively shift towards a more sustainable economy

4. Keywords and phrases

Biochar  -  Biochar
Biomass  -  Biomass
Carbon Air Capture, Algae Bags  -  Carbon Air Capture and Algae Bags
Carbon-negative building  -  Carbon-negative building
Desalination  -  Desalination
Diatoms  -  Wetland management and release of diatoms
Enhanced weathering  -  Enhanced weathering
Ozone  -  Ozone hole recovery

From: Policy proposals to most effectively shift towards a more sustainable economy 

5. Links to Key Policy Posts

The way back to 280 ppm

A. Protocols, standards and deposit programs
A national bottle recycling bill
Green Refrigerators and Air Conditioners

B. Fees on nitrogen fertilizers and livestock products, funding biochar
Afforestation - bringing life into the deserts
Save the Rainforest
Fees on Livestock to fund Biochar

C. Clean energy through fees on burning fuel, with revenues funding clean local energy programs
Electric Vehicles - Frequently Asked Questions
SuperB Grid

D. Geoengineering
The Threat of Methane Release from Permafrost and Clathrates
Funding of Carbon Air Capture
Open letter on Arctic sea ice loss

E. Organic waste handling standards
Algae Bags

Feebate policies
Proposals to most effectively shift to a more sustainable economy

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