
APRIL 25, 2012

click to enlarge 

FRIDAY, APRIL 20, 2012

Will Arctic sea ice collapse in 2014?

Will sea ice collapse in 2014? 

APRIL 10, 2012

High methane levels in Arctic - April 2012

Below are two images produced with NASA GES DISC Giovanni data system, showing methane levels for early April 2012. 

The top image shows where methane levels exceed 1.9 parts per million.

The image below is a polar projection; note the different scale on the right, which is the one automatically calculated as the default one and exceeds 2 parts per million.

The image below is a polar projection; note the different scale on the right, which is the default one that is automatically calculated and exceeds 2 parts per million.

Below the same image as the above one, this time with the same custom scale as the top image. 

From: Sam Carana  High methane levels in Arctic - April 2012

MARCH 29, 2012

AMEG at Planet under Pressure conference

The AMEG poster below was displayed at the Planet under Pressure conference, London, 26 - 29 March 2012. 
The AMEG pamphlet further below was distributed at this conference. 

MARCH 18, 2012

Warming in the Arctic

MARCH 15, 2012

Message to the Survivors

FEBRUARY 24, 2012

Temperature anomalies continue in the Arctic

Much of the Arctic is showing huge temperature anomalies at the moment. The image below shows the anomalies for February 24, 2012.  

Locations in the Arctic have been showing temperature anomalies of over 20 degrees Celsius since late 2011

As the above image illustrates, the anomalies are centered around the 60 degrees East longitude, and they are most prominent between latitudes 75 North and 80 North, i.e. the area between Novaya Zemlya and Franz Josef Land, as shown on the map below. 

As a result of these high temperatures, there's little sea ice in the area. The image below shows the sea ice as at January 15, 2012.

FEBRUARY 11, 2012

Methane venting in the Arctic

FEBRUARY 10, 2012

January 2012 shows record levels of methane in the Arctic

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